Monday, 12 October 2015

Audience Questionnaire Analysis

From the questionnaire 90% of the people surveyed said that they do not read the school magazine, therefore we can already tell that the product does not work and is not reaching to its target audience. The second question showed us what the best colours to use for the magazine. In conclusion, the most popular colours to use for the magazine are Black, Red, White, Blue and Green. These will be the most appealing colours for the students to have on the magazine. The next question shows that 30% want the magazine out monthly, 20% want it every fortnight and 30% wanted it every term. This shows because we only have 20% a fortnight we are better off to do it monthly. When it came to asking for the price of the magazine 40% said they wouldn’t pay anything for it, 20% said 50p, 12% said 25p and another 12% said £1. This concludes that if we had no extras we could sell the magazine for free as chosen by the fellow students., however, if we had advertisements or added extras the price may have to be considered if the magazine was going to be an ongoing project.  The main topics which were the most popular to have within the magazine were, competitions, music, food, fashion and revision. So, making sure that the magazine includes these main topics many of our target audience will want to buy the product. The next question came back with 95% of the people said yes to free stuff and would be encouraged to buy the magazine knowing that there is free stuff to have. This could mean that there will need to be a small price on the magazine due to the free stuff included inside. The suitable price would have to be around 50p. For the front cover picture, it will need to be based around students work and students themselves. When it comes to the magazine being on a multi-platform, 80% said yes so there would need to be a web link for students so they can access the magazine online as well. For the adverts in the magazine 75% said they would want them, so we would need relevant to the 5 subjects which the magazine will be about, so food for example, there could be an advert for KFC. Finally, people were asked about where will be the best place to distribute the product and most either said both the coffee shop and reception. So, we could distribute the product in both areas to avoid lines and large volumes of people in one area.

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